Number of colors: Cone cells each can register about 100 different colour shades. We have three types of cones 1003 = 1000000. So even if we extend the wavelenght of our vision still we need two more cones to increase our color resolution. "Tetrachromats", people who possess an extra, fourth cone cell might see 100 million colours in the visible wavelenght range. Color blinds, pepole who pocess one less cone have lower color resolution the most of us. They percieve about 10.000 colors.

Dynamic range: The intensity range of light that can form a meaningful picture.
Contrast resolution: The number of tones each cone or rod can discern.
Minimum number of photons each rod or cone need to activate? In 1941, Columbia University researchers found that we need at least 5 photons to reach retina to detect a light.
Resolution is the number cones and rods present in the eye.
Angular resolution of human eye is about 1 arcminute, or 1/60 of a degree.
Polarisation: Some crustaceans can detect polarisation of light as a seperate parameter.
3D vision: Depth perception is limited with our eyes seperation distance
FOV: Field of view: Is normally about 120 degrees for humans.
Time resolving capacity: Currently we can detect 24 frames per second
Magnetisation: Some animal eyes have magnetic field receptors helping in orientation.