
Creating 360 degree miniplanets from Ricoh Theta S using GIMP

OK you will need a 360 degree panoramic image and GIMP for this tutorial.

My 360 degree photo comes from Ricoh Theta S. You can use any panoramic instead.

GIMP is free and open source. Get it here 

Open your image in GIMP and go to Polar coordinates filter as shown below.

You can use offset angle to rotate the image. I kept map from above unchecked. You can experiment with that parameter.

Time to crop the image.

Export the image as shown. 

Ok, Here is the result.

Color MRI of the Cervical verterbrae

Color MRI of the Cervical verterbrae  bit.ly/Color_MRI
  • T1W FSE  in red channel 
  • T2W frFSE in green channel 
  • STIR in blue channel.
Key to colors: 
  • Yellow: Orange
  • Water: Green-Blue
  • Muscles: Purple